Serialize, gzip, and write the provided NBT data and write it to an output stream
See also
If the NBT data could not be serialized or the output stream could not be written to
Serialize the provided NBT data and write it to an output stream
If control over the root tag's name is needed, use write instead.
See also
NBT compound to serialize
Output stream to write the serialized NBT to
If true, the serialized data will be gzipped
If the NBT data could not be serialized or the output stream could not be written to
Serialize the provided NBT data and write it to an output stream
If the root compound's name doesn't matter, use write instead.
See also
NBT compound to serialize
Output stream to write the serialized NBT to
The name of the NBT compound that holds all other NBT data
If true, the serialized data will be gzipped
If the NBT data could not be serialized or the output stream could not be written to